This is something I made back in 1994, and then remixed a little in 2022. A bridge between the Commodore 64 and the modern era of computing. Don’t take it too seriously.

This is something I made back in 1994, and then remixed a little in 2022. A bridge between the Commodore 64 and the modern era of computing. Don’t take it too seriously.
Haha. Like the music entertainment. The picture of the plane is cool too. What is the Cat? Hahaha. I really enjoyed the pictures you painted with your descriptive words with Res. Really brought the whole scene at the bar alive for me! Like the rainbow in puddle. I could see everything happening!! Her elbow being touched, man talking to her, characters in bar, using K for bartender. Her mood, the fine details like that really help me, like when she got home and hing up wet coat, threw keys and put napkin face up right. Your really a good visual writer. Good job! I listened to music while I was writing this. I wrote more! Hmmm 😉👏🏻👍🏼