Restricted (part three)

Dec searched the room with his eyes, quickly, as if reacting to some kind of training, before replying, quietly. “This was my idea, to meet with you in private. Other people on my team suggested some other forms of persuasion, but I’ve had a lot of luck just being honest with,” the target, he wanted to say, “people of interest. It’s not a list you want to be on. Stumbled across it, I guess, but I can’t protect you from negative outcomes if this thing continues.” The last sentence just kind of hung in the air as they both sipped their coffee. An uncomfortable silence was forming as the seconds ticked by.

“Got any eggs in the fridge?”, Dec asked. Res replied, “coffee and breakfast, yes please!”, as she opened the fridge and started unloading everything she wanted to eat, all raw ingredients. Enough for some Denver omelets, for two hungry and almost hung-over people. “You know,” Dec teased, “this is gonna go straight to your hips.” Res winked and said, “got a problem with that?”. She was keeping it light, although he had lit an ember of fear deep within her heart that she was trying to hide. Dec smiled and set to work, chopping peppers and ham, as Res worked alongside him, helping lay out the frying pan and setting the table with plates and silverware. Neither of them said a word until the omelets were done, acting just like an old married couple. Res couldn’t believe this was real. It was too natural, too easy. But it felt so good. She wished breakfast with Dec would become a regular thing. Would she be enough, without these little secret messages and warnings, to bring him back? As she ate her omelet and sipped her coffee, they made small talk while she pondered the future, and wondered what was so dangerous about them finding essentially nothing. Dec made a damn good breakfast; she was sure of that.

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