Meet The Eyes

Eventually, unprompted, a few ASE’s noticed anomalies in individuals which are not easily explained. ASE Codename “Infinite Beat” sees the same man with a Bowler hat wearing the same British High Street tailored suit pretending to shake hands and talk to an imaginary man in front of his luxury apartment as he steps out of his chartered limousine each day. Infinite Beat runs a short AI sequence called Reveal to discover if frames are missing from the recorded video feed. The AI accesses time-synced satellite data and nothing additional can be created; the stream is complete and doesn’t require intervention. The Bowler seems to be quite wealthy and yet, unstable if he is interacting with ghosts.

Yet another ASE, “Resonant Frequency”, began monitoring traffic patterns of known good individuals protected from (and assisted by) some features of the Splicer initiative. She has the ability to notify these individuals, through secure direct messaging, that the Splicer organization is concerned about their deviation from the expected and to ask if they require a case or assistance. High value targets are sometimes captured and held for ransom, and Splicers can proactively see, and send assistance upon request. This level of assistance and surveillance is known as Angel, and clients usually prefer a large, visible tattoo advertising it. Although they appear to be vulnerable and alone, the Splicer organization has them under a watchful eye. Those individuals under the Angel program call themselves “The Guarded” or “The Shielded”. Some extremely high risk Shielded can be directly assisted by ASE’s in the case of street violence, kidnap attempts, and vehicular accident mitigation, via directed kinetic energy weapons or remote override of vehicles and infrastructure. Since the inception of the program, only three Shielded have needed DAA (Direct Action Assistance) and all three have made it through unscathed. One was the President of the United States.

Three ASE’s, Resonant Frequency, Sheepdog 23, and Infinite Beat, have each had a single DAA. These are their stories.

One Reply to “Meet The Eyes”

  1. This one’s explanation of surveillance and what can be used to warn or stop certain actions is very informative and gives readers something to ponder. 👍🏼😁

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