Resolute (part two)

Res faced a dilemma now. She also began to get a sneaking suspicion of Dec sniffing around. She remembered the elbow grab as if it just happened…the talk near the restrooms. The ghost he mentioned. Now Sheepdog is next, or will she get blamed? What would happen if she did? Another discussion with Dec or something…. worse? Whatever the outcome, she had to get ahead of this whole thing before it spun out of control. She had no choice now, as if she ever did. She had to call Dec and set up a meeting. Suddenly, her comms buzzed. Looking down, she saw a message on the display.

When there’s something strange
In your video footage
Who you gonna call?

It was Genesis 15 fucking around. It gave her the creeps not knowing where or how this rogue AI was even hosted or what kind of access it had. She didn’t need this right now. The situation was starting to stress her out and this just added another layer. She replied, bluntly.

Not right now Fifteen.

As if by some prediction algorithm, instantly, upon her hitting send, there was another message from 15.

Fine, be that way. I thought this was starting to get good.

With 15 snooping and interested in whatever it knew, and the pressure building by the second, Res didn’t reply. She dialed Dec and it went to his messages. She left a simple one. “Found a fox. Decided I wanted some origami lessons. I did manage to make a pretty nice origami, a slightly retarded cat, from the pattern. Call me when you get this.” Short, clever, and simple, although a little singsong at the end. He would definitely call her back. Just a matter of time. To kill some time and unwind a little, Res kicked rocks down the sidewalk on the way to Meatspace, where, as usual, K was pushing forward her shot and her beer chaser, right in front of her favorite seat. Standing behind that favorite seat was none other than Beat himself, puffing on a fat cigar. What a coincidence.

Turning to meet her gaze as she approached, Beat said loudly over the music, “What a surprise, molodaya ledi! I thought I was at my favorite bar, but it appears to be yours. That’s quite the VIP treatment,” and he motioned with his cigar towards the shot glass and beer at her spot. “I’m lucky if this bartender notices me in a chicken suit.” K shot a frowning glance at Beat, overhearing this particular phrase, and reached for the pickled egg jar, removing just one egg. “This is for the chicken,” K said directly to Res, “I think he might have dropped it.” Everyone was having a good time busting balls and Beat couldn’t hide his opinion of this exchange under his typically stoic exterior, smiling from ear to ear. “Bawk bawk,” he said, “and I will take another shot of Stoli, if you would be so kind. Mine seems to have a hole in the bottom.” Res busted out laughing at this whole scene, it was too perfect. You couldn’t have scripted this encounter. This is exactly what she needed after her conversation with Sheep. Some levity, some alcohol, and some friendly company.

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